Saturday, October 9, 2010

Two Topics

There are two topics that I have noticed coming up more and more often...bullying and homosexuality. I just finished reading a thread on a friends facebook page where she was called a bigot and a homophobe for disagreeing with the statement that some people are "born gay"! I just happened to read this interview the other day

Same Gender Attraction did not exist in the premortal life, neither will it exist in the post earth life!! SO HOW ON EARTH CAN SOMEONE BE BORN GAY?? I like the statements made but I love the point that yes, some people are born more likely to be gay, just as there are people who are born more likely to become alcoholics or drug addicts. But it doesn't mean that our agency to choose who we will be and what we will do about our feelings are predetermind! Really, it means that those people need to be even more careful about the choices they make.

That's my view on that subject but really the thing that made me so angry was the fact that a person can't voice an oppinion without being torn to shreds for her beliefs! As a Latter Day Saint I have been told all my life to allow people to believe who and what they will believe even if it is not in accordance with the things I know to be true. It is not our place to judge them, nor is our place to call them names for thinking differently than we do. You know, I just had this thought...all this judging and name calling is a form of bullying, even over facebook. It happened to me just a couple weeks ago for trying to defend an innocent comment that was taken the wrong way.

We need to grow up and be a little more willing to let the things people say slide off our shoulders sometimes!

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