Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The waiting game....:(

So I started maternity leave today, finally!  I'm due a week from today and I'm happy to be able to relax a little before this baby gets here although I'm not sure how I'm going to keep kellylynn busy all day.  Anyway, here's hoping baby knows how to read a calendar and comes out I his due date.  None of this ridiculous waiting another week and a half.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A little of this, a little of that...

I'm not really sure where to start with this post.  Not a whole lot has changed since my last post.  I'm still working, getting ready for my mat leave that I get to start in October...possibly September, I haven't really decided yet.

Olivia just turned 4, which means she will be in school this fall which is why I'm considering going on mat leave early.  She is a sweetheart most days, also really annoying other days.  She's busy growing out of her clothes and trying to convince us she needs to go shopping every day!  She loves ponies, horses, unicorns, and now just recently has decided she loves Barbie!  Yup...Barbie!

Kellylynn is busy not growing out of her clothing...lol...she's still wearing some of her 18 month stuff so hopefully I can get away with not too much shopping for her this fall.  She always gets jipped with the hand-me-downs but she doesn't seem to mind.  She's trying her best to learn what she can get away with and where mommy and daddy draw the line!  Crying at the top of the stairs just because she wants mommy to get her and not daddy, even going so far as to climb back up the stairs after daddy has already brought her down still crying she wants mommy.  Sometimes I just throw her back in bed hoping she will go back to sleep.

Baby number 3 if you haven't heard is a boy!  His name is will be Zerin Patrick Bird.  He is set to arrive sometime the second half of October...I hope...but we will see what his plan is.  Right now he is busy growing and kicking and rolling around without a care in the world.  I feel so unprepared for his arrival, not that there is a lot to do but I want to paint his room and the girls room and get it all set up for him even though he won't use his room for a while.  I want to get those little projects I've been putting off done before he comes otherwise they will never happen.

Anyway, that's what's happening with me!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Been a while!

So, it's been a long time I posted but I thought hey, why not!! Olivia is in her living room tent
watching "the incredibles" and kellylynn is sleeping, and Bryce I think is at an elders quorum meeting at church..I think. So what the heck, I have a few minutes.

My sister, who possibly knows everything since she is the first person i ask when i have any questions at all no matter what the subject, is about to have a baby, my mom just got there today to stay with her a month, she and her kids are overjoyed, me and my kids are horrified at the thought of being grandma-less for a whole month!! We did it last year though, so I guess we can do it again.

On another note, I've been dying to announce this and for the number of people that read this I think I'm safe in announcing, I am pregnant with baby #3!! We are so hoping its a boy I can't stand that I have to wait till 18-20 weeks to find out which it is! I am only 5 weeks so I can't tell everyone yet! But I'm dying to tell everyone!

We are all good, Olivia is all registered for school in the fall Which seems absolutely insane to me...but exciting too.

I guess I should be getting her to bed now since its past her bedtime so, goodnight!