Tuesday, June 1, 2010

New Words

Well, I just typed this posting and than accidently erased it before I could post it! BOOO!! So here I go again!

Olivia has recently been trying some new words. Up until now she has used her favourite sound "E-B" and point at something and we were supposed to know what she wanted. But just today she learned how to say "ett" which means egg, and "papa" which means grandpa (we are working on breaking that, dad wants to be called grandpa, not papa). She enjoys listing the names of everyone in the car/room etc. "mommy, daddy, baby, MEEEE!" She loves to eat "apples" and says "pop-o" which could mean popcorn, popsicle or pickle depending on what she is pointing at.

Olivia also recently discovered her love of chocolate cake. She saw a picture today of herself eating a slice of cake and got really sad until we went to the store and picked up a cake for her to have a piece of.

She is a sweet, wonderful little girl, until we try to tell her "no" for something. She then screams and slaps you in the face which lands her time out, which results in her crying out for whoever put her there. There are days where she seems to never leave the time-out chair!

Kellylynn of course is wonderful and beautiful and perfect (for now). She is so wonderful she went for 7 days without pooping, i worried at first until I read that it's pretty common. Then on day 8 she pooped twice to make up for it. Just in case you were wondering. She sleeps pretty well, we still sleep together on the couch. But we get a total of 8 hours most nights.

I think that's all for now!


  1. She and Keek are going to have to duke it out over the chocolate cake.

    Which reminds me. You will need a booster chair, huh?

  2. I like words like 'pop-o' that can mean several things. Adeline says 'bl-la' which means banana, belly button, bologna and blueberry. Otherwise, her words are getting pretty clear:)
