Saturday, April 10, 2010

So, we're gonna try this again!

So, the last time I tried to create a blog I got bored with it and it ended up getting deleted because I left it for soooo long! So, we are going to try it again and see if I can keep it going this time!
I am not really sure what I am supposed to be writing here so I am just going to say what's happening right now.

Today is day 5 of being overdue with this baby! I am starting to get really irritated by it but I think everyone else is even more irritated than I am. My mom calls to check in at least once a day, my sister asks on facebook at least once a day and Debbie (friend/Livi's babysitter) is getting anxious too. We still have not settled on a name for this new little girl...maybe that's why she doesn't want to come out! She's afraid of what we will call her! A few thoughts though; Sophie Michele, Sophia Louise and Kellylynn Grace. But who knows, those names may not suit her when we finally see her. My indecision choosing a name is driving my husband nuts!

Olivia is not really sure what's going on, and has decided that everything and everyone has a baby in his/her/it's belly. This includes, grandma, grandpa, daddy, uncle Bryan, her teddy bears, herself and everyone she met at the Dr.'s office including the Dr.! She is a nut, we love her!


  1. Hey! I haven't been asking! I didn't even guess until you asked me outright! I learned my lesson last time. lol.

    This is slander. I'll sue.


  2. Okay so I exagerated a little, but we do talk about it every day!
