Well, after 2 and 1/2 years of being in Canada my in-laws finally had the time, finances and guts to come and visit us. It was wonderful to have Tammy (mil) and Kelly (fil) here with us.
We went bowling, out to eat and just enjoyed the time together. Tammy took the time to plant my veggies outside, do laundry, make dinner, make several meals to put in the freezer for later, as well as freeze cookie dough in little balls so all we have to do is put them in the oven when we want cookies. She took Liv and Kelly out on walks so I could sew curtains and just have some time alone. She mopped my floor, convinced my husband it was time to put the legs on the table top so we would have a kitchen table (finally), and bought a table cloth, as well as getting us a shelving unit for the kitchen so our microwave is no longer on the floor and our counters are not as cluttered. The whole time she was working she would say ask if it was okay with me that she was taking over doing these things. YES! It was wonderful.
The funny thing is though, I think the best part of them being around was watching them sit and talk with their newest granddaughter (they did not meet Liv until she was a few months old). Kellylynn is a very responsive baby, and she would smile so big for her grandma and grandpa. Olivia decided they were pretty fun to have around too, every time they have seen her she has been miserable being in a strange place with people she didn't know and having to travel to get there. But, she was all over the place with them while they were here. It was awesome to see her take to them like that.
Kelly was only here for a few days, but Tammy stayed the week and just left this morning. And I find myself already wishing they were around more. Not for my sake, it's not the fact that I can skip cleaning the kitchen because Tammy will do it, or laundry or the extra little bit of time I had to myself while she was here. No, I find myself felling sad for my girls...who will not likely get to see their grandparents more than once a year, possibly twice depending on finances. The next time we see them Olivia may remember who they are, but it'll be like starting from scratch with Kellylynn.
So I guess the only way to sum up what I am feeling right now is, I love my in-laws. I hope my children get the opportunity to get to know them and spend more time with them.